Thursday, August 6, 2009

I Can't Believe Kids Actually Do This

I know I have heard about it...seen kids do it in movies...but I never dreamed that MY little girl would stick a bead up her nose!! Kids actually DO stick things in places they shouldn't. I am in shock!
Just look at this little onry face!! It's saying HEHE look what I did!!
I laid Kennedy down for a nap today. I could tell she was still awake because I could here her moving around. All of a sudden she lets out a cry full of panic. I ran to her room and she is holding her nose. I kept asking her what happened but all she would say is my nose. I had a little thought pop into my head and I asked her if she stuck something in her nose. At this point I was thinking that she stuck a Barbie foot in there or something and it just hurt and scared her. Not that something was IN there. So I look into her nose and this is what I saw in it.

A nice purple little bead!!

Now I get that panic feeling. I think the look on my face scared her more because then she started crying harder. That scared me even more thinking that she is going to suck it in farther! I ran her to my bathroom, start dumping bags trying to find my tweezers thinking I could try to grab it out. Well that didn't work so I tried to get her to blow her nose. That didn't work either so I called Daniel and told him to come home thinking I was going to have to take her to the Dr. Well as he was walking in the door I had Kennedy try one more time to see if she could blow the shiny purple thing out of her nose and this time it worked!! Wheew!

So what crazy things have you heard or witness sweet little children stick in places they shouldn't have been sticking them!?!?!?


  1. This is WAY too funny! I just laughed! Bless her heart!!!!!!! I have alot coming my way don't I? YIKES!

  2. Oh NO! LOL It's funny now, but I know I'd go into a sheer panic if one of my boys put something up their nose!

  3. lol...Oh my goodness! I can imagine the panic! Glad all is well! =)

  4. Daniel's idea was to use the vacuum to suck it out!! Only a man would think of that! Ha!

  5. My bestie's daughter did this! I choked on pennies when I was little so now I freak out if I see Jeremiah stick something in his mouth!
